Pharmacists Seeking To Buy

Are you interested in buying a partnership in a pharmacy? From time to time Greg Aspeling Pharmacy Sales Solutions has pharmacy owners/groups looking for partners.

Pharmacy owners with partnership opportunity

Are you a pharmacy owner or group with partnership opportunities to offer? Greg Aspeling Pharmacy Sales Solutions has pharmacists looking for partnership opportunities regularly.

Why consider a partnership?
Many pharmacists dream of owning a pharmacy. But, how hard is it getting a foot in the door? What chance have you got against an experienced operator or a brand with growth plans? While partnerships are limited, being on our database is one way of giving yourself an advantage.                                                            .                                                                                                                                                                     .
  • Financially, depending on price of course, it is an easier entry into a pharmacy business
  • It is generally a lower entry cost
  • You get to work with experienced professional business owners
  • Your experience as a working partner goes towards your standing with a lender
  • The chance of paying down and owning a growing asset
How can Greg Aspeling Pharmacy Sales Solutions assist you?
  • We have access to pharmacy networks seeking partnerships
  • We provide you with a free telephone consultation to discuss your needs
  • This service is unique. Very few brokers offer this type of service
  • Introduction, if requested, to industry specific professionals e.g. finance brokers, accountants, solicitors, etc
  • You will be part of a growing network
  • We charge a one off fee only when a partnership is secured and an *agreement is signed by all parties

*Agreement prepared by your legal professional and paid for by you